Habit and Routine are more effective than motivation. Build good Habits and they will become Routine.

Raw Fitness Studios incorporates and targets joint movements, cardiovascular, strength, flexibility and form in a professional relaxed atmosphere. 

~ Photography courtesy of Indian Summer ~


"Become a Better Version of Yourself"

"Become a Better Version of Yourself"

"I'm Not Old, I'm Vintage"

"I'm Not Old, I'm Vintage"

Personal Training Studio

~ Functional Movement Screening
~ Fitness Appraisal
~ Exercise Program Design
~ Personal Training
~ Pilates or Yoga Training
~ Small Group Training
~ Strength to Power Ratio

"Nothing messes up your Friday, like realizing it's Tuesday"

"Nothing messes up your Friday, like realizing it's Tuesday"

Step into our Culture

A welcoming community - based upscale studio that empowers members through fitness, wellness, corrective movement, form and education.